Our services, at your service.
"Customer satisfaction is the core of our work"
During these more than 50 years of activity we have been trying to offer our customers the best services not only in terms of high-quality products but also being at their disposal in case of doubts, special requests and needs.
The OMC2 it also has its own "Code of Ethics" that clearly defines the principles and objectives that underpin our business.
Customer services

Our sales office continually strives to provide improved services to our customers. We provide answers speedily and are quick to solve problems. In addition we feel close to customers, doing our utmost to facilitate good communications and with regular visits to their operations; we also support them by attending the important exhibitions in the Marine sector.
At OMC2 we always pay particular attention to the specific requirements of our customers. We think that every customer is one of our partners and it is only by working together that we can achieve the best mutual targets.
Thanks to our great flexibility we can quote according to samples or drawings and have the capability to manufacture limited production batches upon request. We are prepared to study situations, analysing technical parameters in order to provide solutions to solve specific problems – even down to single engine applications.
Additionally, aware that times have changed and that customers may often need to locate parts that are required immediately, we attempt to constantly keep a stock in our warehouse of the nozzles, elements, delivery valves suitable and interchangeable with the most popular models of diesel injection engines.
Depending on sizes and weight, we always protect our parts with an anti-corrosive oil, place them in a polypropylene bag and ultimately in a card-board box or a plastic capsule (in partnership with Rose Plastic).
Clearness and Professionality

Do not hesitate to contact us for explanation and availability.
Click here to download terms of sale
Certified Quality

OMC2 Diesel is certified ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015
Click here to download our ISO 9001:2015
Click here to download our ISO 14001:2015
All our staff is involved in the objective of achieving the highest quality; through continuous investment in new machinery and equipment, for more accurate control systems, the OMC2 offers only the highest quality products that are monitored carefully throughout the line production and also in the metrology room.
The voluntary integration of ecological issues into business management is increasingly a strategic element in ensuring long-term business success. In order to demonstrate the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors and the effective achievement of suitable environmental performance, and to ensure durable and sustainable development, our company has successfully obtained certification in accordance with the voluntary standard UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 "Environmental Management Systems - Requirements and Guidance for Use"
Click here to download our Quality and Environmental Policy
After sales
Our sales office is not only involved in the product’s sale, it also continue to support customers by finding the best solutions to their logistic problems: thanks to our cooperation with our broker ElleDi S.p.A. we can offer our customers fast deliveries at the most convenient price; we can despatch orders within 24 hours almost everywhere!
Problem solving
At OMC2 the customer is never alone when it comes to problem solving. The customer’s problem is our problem, therefore our proactive policy is to ensure them utmost assistance in order to achieve correct identification of the product right from the start.
We are aware that the codes used or marked on the customer’s existing spares are often not clear and for this reason over the years we have generated an efficient “cross-reference system” which permits easier identification of the required item.
For any technical problem, the OMC2 staff members assigned to the related field of expertise or to the specific product are immediately involved in order to provide assistance to the customer, while in the case a complaint is filed relating one of our products, our Technical Office will be promptly activated to suggest our customer the best solution to their problem.
In the unlikely event that the problem is related to a manufacturing defect prior to use, OMC2 will offer the immediate replacement of the subject item; all guarantee terms are available in our “sales condition terms” (download terms of sale)